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At Come and Play, in the heart of Sophia Antipolis, we offer you the best hour of your day 7 days a week, the one during which you surpass yourself and have fun!

Come play with us!

Our CrossFit Box welcomes you in the heart of Valbonne   Sophia-Antipolis in the Garbejaire district , 7 days a week for training all day long, supervised by passionate and professional coaches.

#valbonne #sophiaantipolis #biot #crossfit #fitness #cardio #sport 

À propos de nous

Notre histoire

notre logo Come And Play CrossFit
Seb et Julie

On est Seb et Julie, rencontrés grâce au crossfit et passionnés par ce qu'il offre comme dépassement de soi, amusement et de cohésion entre les individus.

Ca nous a tellement apporté qu'on a décidé de partager ça avec le plus grand nombre. On s'est alors donné comme challenge de lancer notre propre Box de CrossFit®, à notre image. 

Après de longues recherches  et quelques déboires, on a enfin trouvé notre "petit" nid de 300m2 au centre de Valbonne Sophia Antipolis que l'on souhaite dédier à notre passion le CrossFit. 


Our wish has always been to build a real community , a group of friends who meet to surpass themselves, encourage each other, share challenges, successes, challenges, pizza evenings, friendly competitions, a real spirit of camaraderie ! All united around common values of respect for others and oneself, sharing, mutual aid, solidarity and FUN !

Seb and Julie in competition


We are so convinced that the quality of life that CrossFit and its lifestyle brings to everyone that we are sure that you will not leave after your try!

The effects of a lifestyle based on training and a balanced diet, and a real hour of letting off steam and having fun per day with the feeling of being supported by an entire community, leads to a physical and mental balance that supports the rest of the aspects of your daily life!

Seb and Julie in competition
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